Movies: What a dilemma this weekend for cinephiles: do I see “Cocaine Bear,” about a bear who ingests cocaine and goes a-rampaging? Or opt for “Jesus Revolution,” about a bunch of hippie-dippie “Jesus freaks”?…TV/Streaming: Finally caught up with “The Woman King,” on Netflix. I liked it more than I expected to. And Viola Davis is magnificent…Music: What is your soundtrack for the cold months of winter? I usually reserve rock ‘n roll for summer, but this winter classic rock has gotten me through many a depressing day. I’m such a boomer…Books: “Oscar Wars: A History of Hollywood in Gold, Sweat, and Tears” is Michael Schulman’s new entertainment about the gunning for cinema’s top prize…Sports: “My” Arsenal team is still atop the Premier League, but I never watch them play without thinking that Manchester City, in second place, is the finer squad.