Your Weekend: A Selective Guide
Movies: It’s a real dilemma: “Penguins” or “Drunk Parents.” Why isn’t there something Easter-related? TV/Streaming: I’m going to catch up with Beyonce’s Netflix documentary, “Homecoming.” Then maybe I’ll give another try with PBS’s “Mrs. Wilson,” which thus far has been nothing more than mediocre. Music: The best-seller charts are still littered with soundtracks (“A Star is Born,” “The Crow”) and some person called Billie Eilish. Time to cue up some Julie London and Little Jimmy Scott. Books: Does any new release sound more yawny that David Brooks’s “The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life”? When I was young I disliked tea-cuppy Trollope novels, and now I devour them. Sports: What a joy to see Juventus lose to Ajax, and what a sorrow to see the Mets sputter. Finally: I prefer Easter to Christmas: it doesn’t go on forever and there are bonnets and chocolates!