Your Weekend: A Selective Guide

weekendMovies: “Rogue One” is fun though not great…”Fences” is a must-see: go, Viola! Television/Streaming: Time for you to catch up with “Stranger Things” on Netflix…Friday brings the finale of “The Exorcist.” Music: “24K Magic” is the new album by Bruno Mars…I’m listening to Leontyne Price do “O patria mia” and lamenting the state of my country with Trump in charge. Books: Dominic Lieven’s “The End of Tsarist Russia” is my favorite history book of 2016. (I can’t read anything about Nazi Germany right now — too many current parallels.) Sports: Whatever else happens in the NFL calendar, the Giants beating the Cowboys twice will remain my season highlight. Finally: The older I get, the more I think I’ve failed by not being able to spend all winter in a warm climate.

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