Best Tomato Recipes Ever
When it comes to summer produce — zucchini, apricots and eggplant to name just a few — we’re pretty gratuitous with our adoration. We’ve waxed poetic about peaches and have loudly sung our praises for the little blueberry. We may have even claimed at one point that each of these fruits and vegetables were our all-time favorite; sometimes we just get carried away. But when we say it about the tomato, we mean it. This summer fruit (which we treat more like a vegetable) is where our heart truly belongs. Red, purple, yellow or green, tomatoes are the reason summer meals are so beloved. Between the fresh tomato salads and the cold gazpacho soups, we don’t think we’d could get through this sunny season without them. Here are the 24 best tomato recipes we could find — so make sure you eat them all summer — and autumn — long.