Another NY Bookstore Bites The Dust
Of the imminent closing of the last Shakespeare & Co. bookstore: “Someday, sooner than I can stand, we won’t quite remember what it feels like to enter a bookstore. To be in the presence of real books. The sweet papery aroma of it. The way your blood pressure pleasantly descends in that silent crowd. How the whole place holds you in its separate space, away from the world.” So says a new entry from the website Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York, which bills itself as “a bitterly nostalgic look at a city in the process of going extinct.” I share the nostalgia for bookstores: there’s nowhere better in New York to kill time and learn a thing or two. If I ever leave New York, it will be because there are no more bookstores and I can no longer afford theater tickets. Everything else they have in Peoria.