Pet Shop Boys To Premiere Alan Turing Work
Nearly 60 years after his death, Alan Turing, the British mathematician regarded as one of the central figures in the development of the computer as well as a key figure in the code-breaking that defeated the Nazis in World War II, is having a lively time of it. In December, Queen Elizabeth II issued a royal pardon to him: Turing was convicted in 1952 on charges of homosexuality, at the time a criminal offense in Britain, and committed suicide in 1954. Turing is the subject of an upcoming movie, “The Imitation Game,” starring Benedict Cumber-bund (left), which I remain suspicious of because it’s given Turing a female love interest. Now comes news that in July, at the Proms in London, the Pet Shop Boys (right) will premiere “A Man from the Future,” a musical work about Turing.