JFK Is Everywhere & Conspiracies Abound

In case you haven’t noticed: bookstores, the Internet, American television are all awash in JFK because of the 50th anniversary of his death coming up this month. There’s Susan Bellows‘ “JFK,” a four-hour American Experience documentary that will premiere on Monday, 11.11 and Tuesday, 11.12. It’s a bit more detailed about the recklessness of JFK’s youth. There’s the Nova “Cold Case” show (airing on 11.13) that will re-examine all the forensic evidence in the JFK assassination by the light of current technology. And there’s National Geographic Channel’s “Killing Kennedy,” which has been touting its lone-gunman adaptation of Bill O’Reilly’s co-authored book of the same title. It premieres Nov. 10, as “an entirely new take on the story you thought you knew.” Oliver Stone tells THR that he won’t be watching. He says O’Reilly’s book takes a “simplistic” point of view, and insists there was a conspiracy behind the president’s death: “I think it was a professional ambush. I’ve always thought so.”

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