Leonardo: A Heterosexual Sherlock Holmes

Leonardo da Vinci was a man of many staggering talents, but as far as I know detective work wasn’t one of them. Similarly, he was a man who loved beauty, but according to the evidence in personal life he preferred pretty-boy companions, not fetching girls. The facts, however, don’t matter to “Da Vinci’s Demons,” a series premiering tonight on Starz starring Tom Riley (pictured). The New York Times says: “Da Vinci’s Demons” is ‘looser and jokier than its competitors in the crowded field of premium-cable costume dramas, shows like “The Borgias” on Showtime, “Game of Thrones” on HBO and “Spartacus.”‘ Added bonus: The opening episode features a scene with a fully naked man noisily urinating and then dismissing an equally naked boy from his bed. This unsavory Milanese nobleman is played by Hugh Bonneville, better known as the Earl of Grantham from “Downton Abbey.” The Dowager Duchess would be apoplectic with horror.

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