“Skyfall” Is Dench Heaven; “Lincoln” Scores

I am thrilled — thrilled — that “Skyfall” was a big hit in the U.S. over the weekend. (It’s already a huge success worldwide.) Judi Dench can have another Oscar as far as I’m concerned, and I thought again, as I watched her character spiral, that when she and Maggie Smith are dead that it will be time for me to swallow the arsenic, too. In other b.o. news, “Lincoln” was boffo in limited release. Some people are assuredly marking it down for Best Picture, but I’m not ready to make that NBC-at-11:15-pm prediction. I know people, two of them Academy voters, who think the movie a slog, even as they admire Daniel Day-Lewis as The Man. Oscar bloggers who keep shouting “Lincoln” live in a bubble: I’m hoping that “Les Miz” and “Django” shake up the race.

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