Your Weekend: LemonWade Recommends

Movies: “Cloud Atlas,” from the Wachowskis (“The Matrix” movies), is a must-see. Television: Everybody keeps saying that “Nashville” is the best new network show of the fall; I’m going to catch up with my DVR’d episodes this weekend. Also, try to make time for “Hunted.” Otherwise, it’s the usual Sunday-night pile-up. Music: Placido Domingo’s new CD, “Songs,” has been out for two weeks and I’ve been remiss not to plug it: it features the opera singer crooning “Besame Mucho.” To rid myself of that tune, I’ll probably have to resort to the zoomingly popular Kendrick Lamar. Books: Robert K. Massie’s “Catherine the Great” is in paperback, but I didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as Massie’s “Peter the Great.” Sports: The Tigers need a Giants-sized comeback. Finally: I’m hoping my friend Tom Steele dresses up for Halloween as Lindsay Lohan channeling Elizabeth Taylor. What’s your drag? Also: Now we don’t have storms; we have superstorms. Is Sandy overblown? Will you cower in your basement?

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