Smash: Debra Nixes The Scarves
Vulture has learned that among the major changes happening to the NBC drama under new showrunner Joshua Safran is this: A new costume designer has been hired to revamp the wardrobe and, yes, abolish Julia’s unnecessary reliance on scarves. (It’s the least Safran could do as the former longtime executive producer of fashion-forward Gossip Girl, isn’t it?) New guy Joseph Aulisi knows how to sex things up, too. His credits include the Charlie’s Angels films and Jerome Robbins’ Broadway. When Smash returns next year a second musical will be under way, Jennifer Hudson will enter the mix (McPheever versus J.Hud — which Idol will reign supreme?), and Julia’s fam and nemesis Ellis will be no more. At least now we know she’ll be single and ready to mingle with the outfits to match.