Your Weekend: LW Recommends

Movies: How predictable that Fox News calls “Captain America” the “best superhero movie of the summer.” I’m interested anyway, at least for the air-conditioning. The only thing that interests me about “Friends with Benefits” is the non-stereotypical Woody Harrelson gay character. Television: I’ll leave the HBO partisans among you to watch the season premiere of “Entourage.” I’m saddling up for the reality show “Texas Women.” Big hair! Tacky mini-dresses! Whoo-hoo! Music: Every great conductor but Bernstein is part of “Mahler: The Complete Works.” Plus: I’m still listening to Bon Iver, especially since Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett declared July 22 Bon Iver Day. Really! Books: I finally finished Patti Smith’s memoir “Just Kids,” which is so full of Rimbaud and Baudelaire that it sent me back to Richard Howard’s translation of the latter’s “Les Fleurs du Mal.” Sports: Which white guy will look ridiculous this year in the yellow jersey at the Arc de Triomphe finish line of the Tour de France? We’ll find out on Sunday. Finally: On Sunday, we’ll also get to see the first batch of same-sex marriages in New York. About time!

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