“Ab Fab” To Film New Episodes
“Absolutely Fabulous,” the much-loved sitcom starring Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley, is set for a surprise return to BBC One. The series, which was created by Saunders and was first broadcast in November 1992, was last seen on British screens in 2005, when Edina, Patsy and co appeared in a sketch for Comic Relief. A BBC spokesman said: ‘We’re putting the finishing touches to the deal to bring it back and as soon as we’re in a position to confirm it we will.’ The series is expected to start filming later this year. However, Saunders has not yet started work on the scripts. No word yet on when the new episodes might be shown in the United States. Would be a natural fit for the “Desperate Housewives” network otherwise known as Bravo. Thank God Roseanne never remade the show in an American version.
Am sure this will be a real case of jumping the shark if the ever was one…let Ab fab rest BBC…it is becoming very sad to see the BBC try very hard to revive a dead horse.