Elizabeth Taylor: Style Parade

elizabeth-taylor-slipcleopatraMV5BMjExMTcxODY3Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjY1MjIzMQ@@._V1._SY317_CR7,0,214,317_In the screen fashion parade that was Elizabeth Taylor, her iconic outfits all seem mostly to be taken from the 1950s. Most famously, there are the two white slips — from “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” and “Butterfield 8.” “Cleopatra,” the 1963 epic that barged down the Nile and almost sank 20th Century Fox, gave us iconic hair and makeup more than iconic gowns. And how can one forget what Hal Rubenstein, the fashion director of InStyle and the one who broke the news to me today that Taylor had died, said was his personal favorite among the actress’s costumes: the caftans (she’s pictured in the yellow one) from 1972’s “X, Y & Zee.” Try wearing one to your next cocktail party.

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