Super Bowl: Oh, Christina!

I know we’re supposed to be shocked, shocked that Christina Aguilera mussed the words to the National Anthem yesterday at the Super Bowl, but, really, doesn’t her flub merely expose what all of us know: “Oh, say can you see?” is one of the most nonsensical songs ever written. Apart from being nearly unsingable (how many people can hit the “free” note squarely?), it celebrates bombardment. Is that a fitting statement for a country supposedly dedicated to democracy? X-tina’s real problem may have been that she’s been partying too hard lately, with the results showing up in front of more than 100 million people. Or she may have just succumbed to nerves. Whatever the explanation, I enjoyed her singing, however botched, more than I enjoyed the “Tron”-ish antics of the Black Eyed Peas at halftime, surrounded as they were by rote legions of performers reminiscent of an Olympics opening ceremony or, worse, a North Korean military parade.

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