Feinstein & Jackson Record CD

060309Celebs06ARAttention, oldsters and gaysters! Cheyenne Jackson and Michael Feinstein (pictured) head to a Manhattan recording studio today to capture their recent cabaret act “The Power of Two” for the ages. Inspired by a beautiful Indigo Girls song, the duets show played an extended run at New York’s Feinstein’s at the Regency nightclub in June. The CD will be released this fall.

2 Comments to “Feinstein & Jackson Record CD”

  1. Oldsters and Gaysters? WTF??? How about “Attention Anyone Who Wants to Hear the Two Most Amazing Talents of Recent Decades”??

    by hephaestion on August 13th, 2009 at 6:10 pm
  2. How about anyone who likes music that hasn’t been run through a vocoder 16 times, and is made by people who can actually sing!

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