Inevitable: “Octomom: The Musical”
Columnist Michael Musto writes: ‘It was as inevitable as the new Terminator flick: Nadya Suleman, the illustrious creature who had eight embryos implanted, becoming the world famous Octomom, will be singing and dancing, if not exactly ovulating. Well, someone playing her will be singing and dancing, if not exactly etc, etc. Some guy has written a musical about Nadya’s headline-grabbing private parts and is casting around for someone to play the big mama. “We’re looking for a great singer, pole-dancer, and child-rearing comedian,” says the enterprising showman, not to mention someone who presumably looks like Angelina Jolie–or at least think she does. For a title, I’d say make a play on “Nine”–the musical based on “8 1/2,” which will come out as a film this year–and call it simply “Eight.” Or factor in ALL of Nadya’s kids and call it “14.” Yes, a Broadway show called “13” bombed this year, but that’s an unlucky number, and this would be one better. Or maybe just abort the whole thing before it pops out at us.’