“The Producers” To Open In Berlin
My favorite bit in this item about the imminent opening of “The Producers” in a German-language production in Berlin, is: ‘the production arrives in Berlin after a “not so incredibly successful German-language premiere in Vienna.‒ Hmm, could it have something to do with the fact that Austria, annexed by Hitler in 1938, was in some ways even more enthusiastic in its support for the Fuhrer than was Germany itself? My second favorite bit from the article: The officially banned status of the swastika in Germany ‘led the producers of this version of the play, officially known as “The Producers — Frühling für Hitler,†to replace the swastika with a less-than-sinister pretzel in viral ads and on the large red banners (pictured) hanging outside the theater in Berlin. The swastika, though, will be used on stage.’ God, you just can’t make this shit up.