Patrick Wilson: Fame, Finally?
Broadway star Patrick Wilson (pictured) has had success as an actor since he moved to New York fourteen years ago. Despite appearances in several major Broadway shows and tours, a starring role as ‘Joe Pitt’ in the HBO adaptation of “Angels in America”, a handful of supporting roles in major motion pictures, not to mention his recent performance in “All My Sons”, it seems strange that his name is still not widely known. All that will change for Wilson this coming week as “Watchmen” opens in theatres. For someone who has never stopped working, who has dated stars like Jennifer Love Hewitt and Scarlett Johansson, it seems strange for Wilson to be on the verge of stardom for a superhero movie. That being said, with the seemingly ‘recession-proof’ superhero movie genre generating billions of dollars and being taken seriously enough to win the late Heath Ledger an Oscar, it seems right that Wilson should be skyrocketed at this moment in his career.