D.C. To Party Like It’s 1999 (Plus 10)
The Associated Press reports: “President-elect Barack Obama’s inauguration is expected to draw 1 million-plus to the capital, and already some lawmakers have stopped taking ticket requests and hotels have booked up. Some people are bartering on Craigslist for places to stay for the Jan. 20 ceremony when the Illinois senator takes the oath of office. They are offering cash or even help with dishes for residents willing to open up their homes.” Meanwhile, e-Bay and other online auction sites have agreed not to put inauguration tickets for sale; officially, tickets are distributed for free through the offices of Congresspeople and Senators. Here’s my favorite part of the Inauguration: it takes place the day after Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, January 19. Once again, as with his grandmother dying the day before the election, Obama benefits from unscriptable timing.